Sunday, June 28, 2009

SoundAid Hearing Aid Warranty

SoundAid Hearing Aid Warranty joined us at the 2009 Hearing Loss Association of America Convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center! SoundAid Hearing Aid Warranties knows how valuable hearing aids are to your quality of life and your ability to communicate. They also know from experience how fragile they can be. A hearing aid is just like any other highly specialized precision instrument that is operating in very difficult conditions. It will require repair! The fact is you can get a one year service warranty for less than you pay for a single repair. If you are a new user of hearing aids you know how expensive new hearing aids are. And if you are an experienced user you know how expensive repair can be. Why gamble? They feel very comfortable in saying "it is more expensive not to have a service warranty"

If your hearing aids have ever been damaged due to earwax, perspiration, climate or accident, and they were out of warranty, then you know how fragile these modern day wonders are. You also found out the hard way how expensive repair can be! Worse yet, what if you lost one and had to replace it? Did you know that it is more expensive not to have a service warranty? Our service warranties pick up right where the manufacturer left off, and cover Loss, Damage and/or Component Failure. So weather you need a warranty or repair, now or in the future, we have you covered. SoundAid would like to show you how necessary and affordable a service warranty is, so please visit their site to find out more.

1 comment:

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