Saturday, June 18, 2011

Favorite Quotes From the Convention

Whew! For a minute there, I thought I lost my notes! I was hyperventilating, as if I lost my hearing aid.

Anyways. . .
These are my favorite quotes from the convention so far:

Aargh, I'm so hungry! Why did I skip breakfast? I may start chewing on my hearing aid!

What? Did you say you have a robot at home?

Never underestimate strength in numbers.

Set aside your political views, focus on the issue at hand and work together to solve the problem.

My cochlear implants are my diamonds.

This is the blogger lady (someone introducing me).


The Blogger Lady, (e

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite quotes was from my roommate. We're the same age, met on the HLAA forum in looking for a roommate. She's from NYC and is the stereotypical Jewish mother. We got on great! More than once, she'd drag someone to me (or me to someone), and, in speaking about me, tell her friend: "You've got to meet my roommate; she's from Alabama" (as if I was from another country and maybe spoke another language)! I WAS told that I don't have much of an accent, but that's probably because I took voice in college and had worked corporate switchboards.
